From Navigators
Current projects
- VEDLIoT (Very Efficient Deep Learning in IOT)
- SATO (Self Assessment Towards Optimization of Building Energy)
- ADMORPH (Towards Adaptively Morphing Embedded Systems)
- SEAL (SEcurity progrAmming of web appLications)
- AQUAMON (Dependable Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks in Water Environments)
- UPVN (User-centric Programmable Virtual Networks)
- REDBOOK (Robust hardwarE-based Defences against Buffer Overflows and Other cybersecurity attacKs)
- ThreatAdapt (Adaptive Byzantine Fault and Intrusion Tolerance)
- SEL (Smart Energy LAB - Collaborative Laboratory)
- Xivt (eXcellence In Variant Testing)
Past projects
- TCLOUDS (Trustworthy Clouds: Privacy and Resilience for Internet-scale Critical Infrastructure)
- MASSIF (MAnagement of Security information and events in Service Infrastructures)
- MAFTIA (Malicious- and Accidental-Fault Tolerance for Internet Applications)
- RESIST NoE (Resilience for Survivability in IST (Network of Excellence))
- DiSIEM (Diversity-enhancements for Security Information and Event Management)
- KARYON (Kernel-Based ARchitecture for safetY-critical cONtrol)
- HIDENETS (HIghly DEpendable ip-based NETworks and Services)
- CORTEX (CO-operating Real-time senTient objects: architecture and EXperimental evaluation)
- CRUTIAL (CRitical UTility InfrastructurAL resilience)
- TRONE (Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment)
- SITAN (Services for Intrusion Tolerant Ad Hoc Networks)
- ReD (Resilient Database Clusters)
- IRCoC (Intelligent Resilience for Cloud-of-Clouds Services)
- DIVERSE (Diversity for Intrusion-Tolerant Systems)
- CloudFIT (Fault and Intrusion Tolerance for Cloud Computing)
- READAPT (Reconfigurability and Adaptability in Safe and Secure Multicore Architectures for Mixed-Criticality Applications)
- REGENESYS (Regeneration of Replicated Systems)
- RC-Clouds (Resilient Computing in the Clouds)
- TACID (Timely ACID Transactions in DBMS)
- DARIO (Distributed Agency for Reliable Input/Output)
- RITAS (Randomized Intrusion Tolerance for Asynchronous Systems)
- AJECT (Attack Injection on Software Components)
- MICRA (A Model for the Development of Mission Critical Applications)
- DEAR-COTS (Distributed Embedded Architectures using Commercial Off-The-Shelf Components)
- COPE (Secure and Reliable Parallel Processing)
- DEFEATS (Distributed Fault and Attack Tolerant Systems Configuration)
- MOOSCO (MOO with Separation of Concerns)
- TOPCOM (Topology-Aware Reliable Group Communication in Geographically Large-Scale Systems)
- RE:DY (re:dy analytics challenge: dynamic set-poit)
- NORTH (Non-intrusive Observation and RunTime verification of cyber-pHysical systems)
- Abyss (Sistemas AutonĂ³micos Tolerantes a Falhas Maliciosas)
- SUPERCLOUD (User-Centric Management of Security and Dependability in Clouds of Clouds)
- COST Action IC1402 (Runtime Verification Beyond Monitoring)
- SEGRID (Security for smart Electricity GRIDs)
- BioBankCloud (Scalable, Secure Storage of Biobank Data)
- PROPHECY (Proactive Fault Tolerance for Time and Space Partitioning Hypervisors)
- SAPIENT (Scheduling Analysis Principles and Tool for Time- and Space-Partitioned Systems)
- SecFuNet (Security for Future Networks)
- FTH-Grid (Fault-Tolerant Hierarchical Grid Scheduling)
- AIR-II (ARINC 653 In Space RTOS - Industrial Initiative)
- AIR (ARINC 653 Interface in RTEMS)
- ESFORS (ESFORS Coordination Action -- European Security Forum for Web Services, Software and Systems)
- CaberNet (Network of Excellence in Distributed and Dependable Computing Systems)
- GODC (Group-Oriented Distributed Computing)
- BROADCAST (Basic Research On Advanced Distributed Computing: from Algorithms to SysTems)
- CoDiCom (Distributed Real-time Computer Control System)
- Delta-4 (Definition and Design of an open Dependable Distributed Architecture)
- RAPTOR (Resilient Agreement Protocols for Fault-Tolerant Conflict Resolution)