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Fault and Intrusion Tolerance in Open Distributed Systems (FIT)
Acronym FIT  +
Core members Alysson Bessani + , Ibéria Medeiros + , Vinicius Vielmo Cogo +
Leadership Nuno Ferreira Neves +
Name Fault and Intrusion Tolerance in Open Distributed Systems  +
Objectives This line of research investigates models, This line of research investigates models, protocols and architectures, that are suitable for applications with strong dependability requirements, namely applications that need to remain operational despite accidental faults or malicious attacks. One of the main challenges that we are currently addressing is the development of "intrusion-tolerance" mechanisms where, instead of preventing attacks from penetrating the system, we intend to be able to detect and recover from intrusions automatically. The kind of environments that are being contemplated include Internet-based distributed applications with large and heterogeneous populations, mobile networks and computing with small hand-held devices, scalable servers either supporting distributed transactions or parallel processing, and critical infrastructures. processing, and critical infrastructures.
Objectives topics * exploit common ground between classical * exploit common ground between classical fault tolerance and security * apply modular and distrib. fault tolerance techniques to problems in security * (e.g., distributed intrusion detection; fail-controlled intrusion-resilient engines; malicious-FT communication) lient engines; malicious-FT communication)
Categories ResearchLine  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 23 January 2022 15:44:05  +
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Publication:2016 NunoFerreira + , Publication:2016 TiagoSantos + , Publication:2017 Arjuna + , Publication:2017 Costa + , Publication:2017 DPinto MSc + , Publication:2017 FabioPereira + , Publication:2017 Kreutz + , Publication:2017 PCosta TesePhD + , Publication:2018 dsn scada + , Project:ADMORPH + , Project:AJECT + , Publication:Abreu2020iamiot + , Project:Abyss + , Publication:Alaluna2015NetVirt + , Publication:Alaluna2017Sirius + , Publication:Alcantara2016msc + , Publication:Alchieri2016bftcup + , Publication:Alchieri2016reconf-smr + , Publication:Alves2015DnaCompression + , Publication:Alves2015MEng + ResearchLine


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