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Acronym AJECT  +
Coordinator FCUL  +
Duration months 24  +
Keywords security  + , fault injection  + , software vulnerability  + , software tools  +
Month may  +
NavigatorsSite FCUL  +
Numerical start date 2,005.05  +
Partners FCUL  +
Past Project true  +
Project Number POSC/EIA/61643/2004  +
ResearchLine Fault and Intrusion Tolerance in Open Distributed Systems (FIT) +
Researchers Nuno Ferreira Neves + , Paulo Verissimo + , Miguel Correia + , João Antunes + , Manuel Mendonça + , Emanuel Teixeira + , Ana Cotrim +
Sponsor FCT  +
Team Size 7  +
Title Attack Injection on Software Components  +
Total award amount 48,500  +
Url  +
Year 2005  +
Categories Project  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 3 December 2012 17:43:54  +
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Publication:Antunes10 + , Publication:Emanuel-teixeira2007avaliacao-de-218 + , Publication:Joao-antunes2005diagnostico-de-162 + , Publication:Joao-antunes2007finding-local-194 + , Publication:Joao-antunes2008detection-and-219 + , Publication:Nuno-ferreira-neves2006using-attack-179 + Project


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