Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)
From Navigators
Core members
The objectives of this research line encompass the study of models, algorithms and platforms, which take into account the requirements of several classes of applications, with the aim of ensuring timely and safe operation. One of the major challenges to these objectives consists in assuming that applications, despite these demanding goals, can operate in open and unpredictable environments, like the Internet. The design of dependable and real-time applications is traditionally difficult, if not impossible, in this kind of environments. It is proposed to deal with this question in the context of intermediate or partial synchrony models, and by fitting the model and the resulting architectures with the appropriate paradigms and devices, namely accurate environment monitoring and quality of service (QoS) adaptation.
Current projects
- VEDLIoT (Very Efficient Deep Learning in IOT)
- SATO (Self Assessment Towards Optimization of Building Energy)
- ADMORPH (Towards Adaptively Morphing Embedded Systems)
- AQUAMON (Dependable Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks in Water Environments)
- REDBOOK (Robust hardwarE-based Defences against Buffer Overflows and Other cybersecurity attacKs)
Past projects
- RE:DY (re:dy analytics challenge: dynamic set-poit)
- NORTH (Non-intrusive Observation and RunTime verification of cyber-pHysical systems)
- COST Action IC1402 (Runtime Verification Beyond Monitoring)
- READAPT (Reconfigurability and Adaptability in Safe and Secure Multicore Architectures for Mixed-Criticality Applications)
- PROPHECY (Proactive Fault Tolerance for Time and Space Partitioning Hypervisors)
- SAPIENT (Scheduling Analysis Principles and Tool for Time- and Space-Partitioned Systems)
- KARYON (Kernel-Based ARchitecture for safetY-critical cONtrol)
- TRONE (Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment)
- AIR-II (ARINC 653 In Space RTOS - Industrial Initiative)
- AIR (ARINC 653 Interface in RTEMS)
- HIDENETS (HIghly DEpendable ip-based NETworks and Services)
- TACID (Timely ACID Transactions in DBMS)
- DARIO (Distributed Agency for Reliable Input/Output)
- CORTEX (CO-operating Real-time senTient objects: architecture and EXperimental evaluation)
- DEAR-COTS (Distributed Embedded Architectures using Commercial Off-The-Shelf Components)
- MICRA (A Model for the Development of Mission Critical Applications)
- CoDiCom (Distributed Real-time Computer Control System)
- Delta-4 (Definition and Design of an open Dependable Distributed Architecture)