“Middleware Support for Time-Elastic Database Applications”

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António Casimiro, Marco Vieira, Henrique Madeira

in Fast Abstract at the 2007 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Edimburgh, UK, June 2007, Jun. 2007.

Abstract: In this fast abstract we address some work done in the context of TACID, concerned with the development of middleware support for the execution of relaxed timed transactions. These transactions are particularly relevant in database applications of a so-called time-elastic class, which will dynamically select appropriate deadlines for the executed transactions, following indications provided by the middleware. The estimation of these deadlines is based on probabilistic approaches, using temporal information collected from the execution of previous transactions.

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Project(s): Project:TACID

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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