“Non-intrusive Runtime Verification of Embedded Software”

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Inês Gouveia, José Rufino

in Inforum'2016, Simpósio de Informática - Poster Sessions, Lisboa, Portugal, Sept. 2016.

Abstract: The increasing development in cyber-physical systems (CPS) has lead to new concerns regarding performance, safety and security, while ensuring timeliness requisites are met. Conventional runtime verification approaches tend to resort to code instrumentation among other intrusive methodologies, afecting the CPS timing characteristics. As such, by taking advantage of reconfigurable logic technologies, we introduce a hardware-based non-intrusive observer entity that is configurable by means of observation points of interest extracted directly from the CPS software components binary code.

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Project(s): Project:COST Action IC1402

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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