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Pages using the property "Title"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Atc13-durability +On the Efficiency of Durable State Machine Replication  +


BFT-TO +BFT-TO: Intrusion Tolerance with  +
BROADCAST +Basic Research On Advanced Distributed Computing: from Algorithms to SysTems  +
Berger21bftreads +Making Reads in BFT State Machine Replication Fast, Linearizable, and Live  +
Bessani09tc2 +An Efficient Byzantine-Resilient Tuple Space  +
Bessani09tpds +Sharing Memory between Byzantine Processes using Policy-Enforced Tuple Spaces  +
Bessani10aqs-hd +Active Quorum Systems  +
Bessani10aqs-tr +Active Quorum Systems: Specification and Correctness Proof  +
Bessani10bft hadoop fa +Making Hadoop MapReduce Byzantine Fault-Tolerant  +
Bessani11depsky +DepSky: Dependable and Secure Storage in a Cloud-of-Clouds  +
Bessani14scfs +SCFS: A Shared Cloud-backed File System  +
Bessani2012tutorial +(BFT) State Machine Replication: The Hype, The Virtue... and even some Practice  +
Bessani2014tutorial +A Guided Tour on the Theory and Practice of State Machine Replication  +
Bessani2015biobankcloud-platform +BiobankCloud: a Platform for the Secure Storage, Sharing, and Processing of Large Biomedical Data Sets  +
Bftcup08 +Byzantine Consensus with Unknown Participants  +
BioBankCloud +Scalable, Secure Storage of Biobank Data  +
Bond91Realtime +Real-time Concepts  +
Botelho2012consistentSDN +A Consistent and Fault-Tolerant Data Store for Software Defined Networks  +
Botelho2013ConsistentSDN +On the feasibility of a consistent and fault-tolerant data store for SDNs  +
Botelho2014ewsdn +On the Design of Practical Fault-Tolerant SDN Controllers  +
Botelho2016 +Design and Implementation of a Consistent Datastore for a Distributed SDN Control Plane  +
Brandao11rel +On the Reliability and Availability of Systems Tolerant to Stealth Intrusion  +
Brandao2012reliabilityJBCS +On the Reliability and Availability of Replicated and Rejuvenating Systems Under Stealth Attacks and Intrusions  +
BrunoLourenco Tese +Vulnerabilities Detection at Runtime and Continuous Auditing  +
BrunoVavalaTese +Secure Large-Scale Outsourced Services Founded on Trustworthy Code Executions  +
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