“Enforcing real-time behaviour of LAN-based protocols”

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Paulo Veríssimo, José Rufino, Luís Rodrigues

in Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems. Semmering, Austria, September 1991., Sept. 1991.

Abstract: Local area networks form the basis of a number of distributed real-time systems. While current standard technology does not solve all problems related with achieving real-time behaviour — in essence, bounded and known message delivery delays — designers should be able to build reliable LAN-based real-time systems now, using existing technology, VLSI, and namely, non-replicated architectures. Methods and techniques that make this possible are worthwhile being studied. This paper describes the concepts and design options used in Delta-4 to overcome the problems posed by reliable real-time operation over standard LANs, whose only redundancy exists at the physical medium level.

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Project(s): Project:Delta-4

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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