“Exploiting AIR Composability towards Spacecraft Onboard Software Update”

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Joaquim Rosa, João Craveiro, José Rufino

in Actas do INForum - Simpósio de Informática 2010, Braga, Portugal, Sept. 2010.

Abstract: The AIR architecture, developed to meet the interests of the aerospace industry, defines a partitioned environment for the development of aerospace applications, adopting the temporal and spatial partitioning (TSP) approach, and addressing real-time and safety issues. The AIR Technology includes the support for mode-based schedules, allowing to alternate between scheduling modes during a mission, according to different mission’s operation plans. Furthermore, it can be necessary, useful or even primordial having the possibility to host new applications in the unmanned spacecraft onboard computer platform in execution time. In this paper we define the foundations of a methodology for onboard software update, taking advantage of the composability properties of the AIR architecture, in order to add new features to the mission plan.

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Project(s): Project:AIR-II

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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