“Enforcing Dependability and Timeliness in Controller Area Networks”

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José Rufino, Carlos Almeida, Paulo Veríssimo, Guilherme Arroz

in Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON06), Paris, France, November, 2006., Nov. 2006.

Abstract: Standard fieldbuses, such as the Controller Area Network (CAN), are today a cost-effective solution for distributed computer control system. However, the standard CAN protocol exhibits a set of sever shortcomings in respect to the provision of strict dependability and timeliness guarantees. This paper identifies those shortcomings and discusses the main design challenges we have been tackling in a comprehensive way to provide a CAN-based infrastructure support fort extremely reliable hard real-time communications, dubbed CAN Enhanced Layer (CANELy).

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Project(s): Project:DARIO

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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