“Towards Compositional Hierarchical Scheduling Frameworks on Uniform Multiprocessors”

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João Pedro Craveiro, José Rufino

University of Lisbon, DI-FCUL, Tech. Rep. TR-2012-08, Dec. 2012.

Abstract: In this report, we approach the problem of defining and analysing compositional hierarchical scheduling frameworks (HSF) upon uniform multiprocessor platforms. For this we propose the uniform multiprocessor periodic resource (UMPR) model for a component interface. We extend previous work by fellow researchers (for dedicated uniform multiprocessors, and for compositional HSFs on identical multiprocessors), by providing mechanisms for the multiple aspects of compositional analysis: a sufficient test for local schedulability of sporadic task sets under global Earliest Deadline First (GEDF) and guidelines for the complex problem of selecting the virtual platform when abstracting a component. Finally, we present experimental results that provide evidence for the need of future developments within the realm of compositional HSFs on uniform multiprocessors.

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Project(s): Project:SAPIENT

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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