“How to Build a Timely Computing Base using Real-Time Linux”

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António Casimiro, Pedro Martins, Paulo Veríssimo

in in Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, Porto, Portugal, September 2000., Sept. 2000.

Abstract: In a recent paper we introduced a new model to deal with the problem of handling application timeliness requirements in environments with loose real-time guarantees. This model, called the Timely Computing Base (TCB), is one of partial synchrony. From an engineering point of view, it requires systems to be constructed with a small control part, a TCB module, to protect vital resources with respect to timeliness and to provide basic time related services to applications. Although many different instantiations of systems with a TCB can be envisaged, we have chosen to implement a TCB using PC hardware running the Real-Time Linux operating system over a Fast-Ethernet network. This paper describes the experience gained during the implementation process and shows that it is possible to construct a TCB without the need for special software or hardware components. The problem of achieving real-time communication under RT-Linux is also discussed: we describe the port we have done of a Linux network driver to RT-Linux, explaining the required modifications to allow predictability.

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Project(s): Project:DEAR-COTS, Project:MICRA

Research line(s): Timeliness and Adaptation in Dependable Systems (TADS)

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