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Pages using the property "Title"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Air-final-report +AIR Project Final Report  +
Air-summary-report +AIR Project Summary Report  +
Alaluna2015NetVirt +(Literally) above the clouds: Virtualizing the network over multiple clouds  +
Alaluna2017Sirius +Secure and Dependable Multi-Cloud Network Virtualization  +
Alcantara2016msc +Low-cost Cloud-based Disaster Recovery for Transactional Databases  +
Alchieri10wsds +A Dependable Infrastructure for Cooperative Web Services Coordination  +
Alchieri2016bftcup +Knowledge Connectivity Requirements for Solving Byzantine Consensus with Unknown Participants  +
Alchieri2016reconf-smr +Especificação de Replicação Máquina de Estados Dinâmica  +
Alessandro-daidone2007analysis-of-214 +Analysis of a Redundant Architecture for Critical Infrastructure Protection  +
Alexandre-pinto2001light-weight-groups-1 +Light-Weight Groups: an implementation in Ensemble  +
Almeida2013Inforum +Fault Detection in Time- and Space-Partitioned Systems  +
Alves2013 +Middleware Support for Adaptive Real-Time Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks  +
Alves2015DnaCompression +On-Demand Indexing for Referential Compression of DNA Sequences  +
Alves2015MEng +Vulnerability Discovery in Power Line Communications  +
Alves21synapse +Processing Tweets for Cybersecurity Threat Awareness  +
Alves:18 +CAN FD: a communication network for future avionic systems  +
Alves:2017-CANFD-ESI-INForum17 +On the (non-intrusive) observability of the CAN FD protocol  +
Alves:2017-CANFD-INForum +Comparing the inaccessibility characteristics of CAN and CAN FD protocols  +
Alysson-bessani2006sharing-memory-183 +Sharing Memory between Byzantine Processes using Policy-Enforced Tuple Spaces  +
Alysson-bessani2007decoupled-quorum-based-188 +Decoupled Quorum-based Byzantine-Resilient Coordination in Open Distributed Systems  +
Alysson-bessani2007intrusion-tolerant-protection-184 +Intrusion-Tolerant Protection for Critical Infrastructures  +
Alysson-bessani2007when-3f1-196 +When 3f+1 is not Enough: Tradeoffs for Decentralized Asynchronous Byzantine Consensus  +
Alysson-bessani2008depspace-a-203 +DepSpace: A Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Coordination Service  +
Alysson-bessani2008forever-faultintrusion-221 +FOREVER: Fault/intrusiOn REmoVal through Evolution & Recovery  +
Alysson-bessani2008the-crutial-213 +The CRUTIAL Way of Critical Infrastructure Protection  +
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